AnswerDeduplication Parameters

Check the init an runtime parameters you can define for the AnswerDeduplication node.

YAML Init Parameters

These are the parameters you can pass for AnswerDeduplication in the pipeline YAML:

ParameterTypePossible ValuesDescription
overlap_fractionFloatDefault: 0.01The threshold for determining if two answers overlap. It calculates the overlap of answer 1 with answer 2, and the overlap of answer 2 with answer 1. Then, it takes the bigger number and checks it against the threshold.
For example, for these two answers: "in the river in Maine" and "the river in Maine", AnswerDeduplication would remove one of these answers as the second answer has 100% (1.0 overlap_fraction) with the first answer.
top_kIntegerDefault: 10The maximum number of answers to return. These answers are not duplicates.

REST API Runtime Parameters

These are the parameters you can pass for AnswerDeduplication through the Search REST API endpoint:

ParameterTypePossible ValuesDescription
top_kIntegerDefault: NoneThe maximum number of deduplicated answers to return.