A summary of status codes the deepset API uses.
deepset API uses standard HTTP status codes. Here's a summary of the codes most often used.
Sucess Messages
Code | Meaning | Possible Reasons |
200 | Successful response. | Everything worked OK. |
201 | Created. | A resource was successfully created or added. |
202 | Accepted. | The request is accepted for processing but the processing is not yet finished. |
204 | No content. | The request was successfully processed and is not returning any content. One reason could be the successful deletion of a resource. |
Client Errors
Code | Meaning | Possible Reasons |
400 | Bad request. | A missing required parameter or wrong syntax. |
401 | Unauthorized. | An invalid API key was provided. |
403 | Forbidden. | A missing or invalid API key. |
404 | Not found. | The resource doesn't exist. |
406 | Not acceptable. | The resource can only create content that is unacceptable in the response. |
408 | Request timeout. | The server waited too long for the request. |
409 | Conflict. | A resource already exists. |
412 | Precondition failed. | Check the details in the response. Possible reasons could be that deepset AI Platform is missing the required permissions to connect to the infrastructure, a resource is being used, a pipeline wasn't deployed. |
413 | Payload too large. | The data being uploaded exceeds the size limit. The size limit is 200 MB for files and 32766 bytes for metadata. |
415 | Unsupported media type. | deepset AI Platofrm doesn't support the format of the data being uploaded. For supported formats, see Upload Files. |
422 | Unprocessable content. | The request was correctly formed but couldn't be processed because of semantic errors. |
424 | Failed dependency. | The request failed because it depends on another request, which also failed. |
Server Errors
Code | Meaning | Possible Reasons |
500 | Internal server error. | The server encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle. |
591 | Pipeline on standby. | The pipeline wasn't used for a while and was put on standby to save resources. Wait a while until it's activated and try again. |
You can check the full list of codes at MDN docs.