Status and Error Codes

A summary of status codes the deepset API uses.

deepset API uses standard HTTP status codes. Here's a summary of the codes most often used.

Sucess Messages

CodeMeaningPossible Reasons
200Successful response.Everything worked OK.
201Created.A resource was successfully created or added.
202Accepted.The request is accepted for processing but the processing is not yet finished.
204No content.The request was successfully processed and is not returning any content. One reason could be the successful deletion of a resource.

Client Errors

CodeMeaningPossible Reasons
400Bad request.A missing required parameter or wrong syntax.
401Unauthorized.An invalid API key was provided.
403Forbidden.A missing or invalid API key.
404Not found.The resource doesn't exist.
406Not acceptable.The resource can only create content that is unacceptable in the response.
408Request timeout.The server waited too long for the request.
409Conflict.A resource already exists.
412Precondition failed.Check the details in the response. Possible reasons could be that deepset AI Platform is missing the required permissions to connect to the infrastructure, a resource is being used, a pipeline wasn't deployed.
413Payload too large.The data being uploaded exceeds the size limit. The size limit is 200 MB for files and 32766 bytes for metadata.
415Unsupported media type.deepset AI Platofrm doesn't support the format of the data being uploaded. For supported formats, see Upload Files.
422Unprocessable content.The request was correctly formed but couldn't be processed because of semantic errors.
424Failed dependency.The request failed because it depends on another request, which also failed.

Server Errors

CodeMeaningPossible Reasons
500Internal server error.The server encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle.
591Pipeline on standby.The pipeline wasn't used for a while and was put on standby to save resources. Wait a while until it's activated and try again.

You can check the full list of codes at MDN docs.