Quick Reference

A summary of all endpoints available in the deepset API and their purpose.

Collection Overview

The base URL for all endpoints, except for health is https://api.cloud.deepset.ai/api/v1.

Deepset AI Platform

These are the endpoint collections available in this section:

healthChecking the connection.
haystackObtaining Haystack components available in deepset AI Platform, including their input and output types.
infrastructure Managing the connection to your VPC.
userListing and deleting users.
Updating user roles.
models Listing models available for a component.
model_registry_token Working with tokens for private models.
organization Listing deepset organizations and adding users to them.
pipeline_utilsUpdating pipeline YAML by passing updated data as a dictionary and merging it with the original YAML configuration.
prompts Working with prompt templates in PromptHub.
api_tokenManaging API keys for connecting deepset to your app.
workspace Working with deepset workspaces. This includes, creating, listing, and viewing workspace statistics and search history.
datasetsListing the sample datasets deepset offers if you have no files in your workspaces and adding files to them.
fileWorking with files in deepset AI Platform. This includes creating, deleting, listing, uploading, and working with metadata.
document_store Listing indexes, and working with documents: counting, querying, and listing.
pipeline_templates Listing pipeline templates.
pipeline Interacting with deepset pipelines. This includes creating, validating, deploying, listing, and getting all pipeline-related information, searching with a pipeline, and more.
search_session Listing and creating search sessions. Search sessions are used for chat.
shared_prototype Managing shared prototypes of your pipelines.
upload_sessionOpening, closing, and checking the status of the upload sessions used to upload files with the SDK. For more information, see Tutorial: Uploading Files with Python Methods.
secretsManaging deepset secrets. Secrets are used to connect to service providers through custom components.
debug_tunnelStarting a debug tunnel for remote debugging with VS Code.


These are the endpoint collections related to working with jobs in deepset:

jobsWorking with jobs. This includes creating, listing, updating, starting, and getting results.
shared_jobManaging jobs shared with others.
query_setsManaging query sets used for jobs.


These are endpoint collections related to the feedback feature:

feedbackManaging feedback items, which includes getting all feedback, creating, updating, and deleting feedback items.
tagsListing, creating, and deleting feedback tags.

Custom Components

These are the endpoints you can use to interact with custom components in deepset:

custom_componentsListing and importing custom components, and getting their logs.