A summary of all endpoints available in the deepset API and their purpose.
Public Endpoints
For these endpoints, we maintain the same schema.
Collection Overview
Collection | Purpose |
health | Checking the connection. |
api_token | Creating an API key to connect deepset to your app. |
eval_run | Managing evaluation runs (also known as experiments). This includes creating, deleting, starting, and listing evaluation runs. |
evaluation_set | Importing, listing, and deleting evaluation datasets. |
file | Working with files in deepset AI Platform. |
document_store | Listing and searching for documents in the document store. |
pipeline | Managing your pipelines. This includes: - creating, listing, updating, and deploying pipelines - running searches, with or without streaming - running chats - listing prompts |
upload_session | Opening, closing, and checking the status of the upload sessions used to upload files with the SDK. For more information, see Tutorial: Uploading Files with Python Methods. |
Endpoints List
The base URL for all endpoints, except for health
is https://api.cloud.deepset.ai/api/v1
Resource | Method | Endpoint | Description |
Health | GET | /health | Checks the connection. |
API token | POST | /token | Creates an API token you can use to connect deepset to your app. |
Evaluation Run | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs | Returns all existing evaluation runs. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs/{eval_run_name} | Returns the eval run you indicate. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs/ |
Returns the answers form a given node. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs | Creates an evaluation run. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs/ |
Starts an evaluation run. | |
PATCH | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs/{eval_run_name} | Updates an evaluation run. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/eval_runs/{eval_run_name} | Deletes an evaluation run. | |
Evaluation Set | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/evaluation_sets | REturns all existing evaluation sets. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/evaluation_sets/ |
Returns the contents of an evaluation set. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/evaluation_sets/ |
Returns an evaluation set as a CSV file. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/evaluation_sets/import | Imports an evaluation set. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/evaluation_sets/ |
Triggers matching labels from the eval set to the files in deepset Cloud. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/evaluation_sets/ |
Deletes an evaluation set. | |
File | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files | Lists all files |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files/{file_id} | Returns the contents of the file. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files/{file_id}/meta | Returns file metadata. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files | Uploads or creates a text file. | |
PATCH | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files/{file_id}/meta | Updates file metadata. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files | Deletes multiple files. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/files/{file_id} | Deletes a single file. | |
Document Store | POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/indexes/{index_name}/ |
Searches the documents based on a query. |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/indexes/{index_name}/ |
Returns all documents for a pipeline. | |
Pipeline | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines | Lists all pipelines. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name} | Returns a pipeline. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/feedback | Returns feedback for a pipeline. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/files | Returns file IDs for a pipeline. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/indexing | Returns pipeline indexing status. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/json | Returns a pipeline as JSON. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/prompt | Returns pipeline prompt. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/stats | Returns pipeline statistics. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/yaml | Returns pipeline as YAML. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines | Creates a pipeline YAML. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/chat | Runs a chat query without streaming. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/chat-stream | Runs a chat query streaming. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/default | Sets a default pipeline for search. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/deploy | Deploys a pipeline. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/feedback | Adds feedback to search results. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/search | Runs a search without streaming. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/search-stream | Runs a search with streaming, useful for RAG pipelines. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/undeploy | Undeploys a pipeline. | |
PATCH | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name} | Updates pipeline properties. | |
PUT | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/yaml | Updates pipeline YAML. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name} | Deletes a pipeline. | |
Upload Session | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/upload_sessions | Returns all active upload sessions. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/upload_sessions/{session_id} | Shows the details of a session. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/upload_sessions/{session_id}/files | Returns session files. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/upload_sessions | Creates an upload session. | |
PUT | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/upload_sessions/{session_id} | Closes the upload session. |
Private Endpoints
The schema may change for these endpoints. This means the structure, format, or data sent or received at those endpoints, may change.
Collection Overview
Collection | Purpose |
infrastructure | Managing the connection to your VPC. |
user | Listing and deleting users. Updating user permissions. |
models | Listing models available for a node. |
model_registry_token | Working with tokens for private models. |
organization | Listing deepset organizations and adding users to them. |
prompts | Managing prompt templates. |
api_token | Listing and deleting API keys. |
workspace | Working with deepset workspaces. This includes, creating, listing, and viewing workspace statistics. |
eval_run | Managing tags added to evaluation runs. |
document_store | Checking the connection, getting a document, and counting the total number of documents. |
labeling_project | Creating, listing, updating, and deleting labeling projects used for preparing evaluation datasets. |
pipeline_templates | Listing all templates. |
pipeline | Validating pipelines, getting metadata of indexed files, logs, and search history. |
search_session | Listing and creating search sessions. Search sessions are used for chat. |
shared_prototype | Managing shared prototypes of your pipelines. |
Endpoints List
The base URL for all endpoints is https://api.cloud.deepset.ai/api/v1
Resource | Method | Endpoint | Description |
Infrastructure | GET | /infrastructure/document_stores | Lists existing Opensearch credentials. |
GET | /infrastructure/file_stores | Lists existing S3 bucket credentials. | |
POST | /infrastructure/document_stores | Adds your Opensearch cluster credentials. | |
POST | /infrastructure/file_stores | Adds your S3 bucket credentials. | |
DELETE | /infrastructure/document_stores/{credentials_id} | Deletes Opensearch credentials. | |
DELETE | /infrastructure/file_stores/{credentials_id} | Deletes S3 credentials. | |
User | GET | /me | Gets current user properties. |
GET | /users | Gets properies of all users. | |
GET | /users/{user_id} | Gets properies of a specified user. | |
GET | /me | Gets user properties. | |
GET | /me | Gets user properties. | |
Models | GET | /model | Returns a list of models available for a node. |
Model registry token | GET | /model_registry_tokens | Returns all model tokens. |
GET | /model_registry_tokens/{provider} | Returns the model token from a specific provider. | |
POST | /model_registry_tokens/{provider} | Imports and saves the model token from a specific provider. | |
PUT | /model_registry_tokens/{provider} | Imports and saves the model token from a specific provider. | |
DELETE | /model_registry_tokens/{provider} | Deletes the model token from a specific provider. | |
Organization | GET | /organization | Returns the name of the organization. |
POST | /organization/{organization_id}/invitation | Invites a user to a deepset Cloud organization. | |
Prompts | GET | /public_prompt_templates | Lists public prompt templates. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/prompt_templates | Lists prompt templates for a given workspace. | |
POST | /trigger_prompthub_sync | Syncs prompts from Prompt Hub. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/prompt_templates | Creates a prompt template. | |
PUT | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/prompt_templates/{prompt_template_id} | Updates the specified prompt template. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/prompt_templates/{prompt_template_id} | Deletes a specified prompt template. | |
API Token | GET | /token | Returns all existing API keys. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/upload_sessions/{session_id} | Shows the details of a session. | |
DELETE | /token/{api_token_id} | Deletes the specified API key. | |
Workspace | GET | /workspaces | Lists all workspaces. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name} | Returns the workspace and its properties. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/search_count | Returns the number of search requests. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/search_history | Returns search history. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/stats | Returns worskpace statistics. | |
POST | /workspaces | Creates a workspace. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name} | Deletes a workspace. | |
Eval Run | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/tags | Lists all eval run tags. |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/tags | Creates eval run tags. | |
PATCH | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/tags/{tag_name} | Updates tags. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/tags/{tag_name} | Deletes a tag. | |
Document Store | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/indexes/{index_name} | Checks the connection with OpenSearch. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/indexes/{index_name}/documents/{document_id} | Returns the contents of a document and its properties. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/indexes/{index_name}/documents-count | Returns the number of documents for a pipeline. | |
Labeling Project | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/labeling_projects | Lists all labeling projects. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/labeling_projects/{labeling_project_id} | Returns a labeling project. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/labeling_projects | Creates a labeling project. | |
PUT | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/labeling_projects/{labeling_project_id} | Updates a labeling project. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/labeling_projects/{labeling_project_id} | Deletes a labeling project. | |
Pipeline Templates | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipeline_templates | Lists all pipeline templates. |
Pipeline | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/logs | Returns pipeline logs. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/meta | Returns metadata keys of indexed files. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/meta/{field_name} | Returns metadata values of indexed files. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/meta/{meta_field}/aggregation | Returns the minimum and maximum aggregation of a metadata field. | |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/search_history | Returns pipeline search history. | |
Search Session | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/search_sessions | Lists search sessions. |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/search_sessions | Creates a search session. | |
Shared Prototype | GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/shared_prototypes | Lists shared prototypes. |
GET | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/shared_prototypes/{shared_prototype_id} | Returns a single shared prototype. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/shared_prototype_users | Creates a shared prototype user. | |
POST | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/shared_prototypes | Creates a shared prototype. | |
PATCH | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/shared_prototypes/{shared_prototype_id} | Updates a shared prototype. | |
DELETE | /workspaces/{workspace_name}/shared_prototypes/{shared_prototype_id} | Deletes a shared prototype. |