UnstructuredFileConverter Parameters

Check the init and runtime parameters you can specify for the UnstructuredFileConverter component.

YAML Init Parameters

These are the parameters you can specify in pipeline YAML:

ParameterTypePossible valuesDescription
api_urlStringDefault: UNSTRUCTURED_HOSTED_API_URLThe URL of the Unstructured API. Defaults to the URL of the hosted version. If you're running the API locally, specify the URL of your local API, for example: "http://localhost:8000/general/v0/general"
api_keySecretThe API key for the Unstructured API. If you're connected to Unstructured.io through Connections in deepset Cloud, you don't need to specify it.
Default: one-doc-per-file
Specifies how to create documents from the content Unstructured returns. Possible values:

- one-doc-per-file: Creates one document object per file. All elements are concatenated into one text field.
- one-doc-per-page: Creates one document object per file page. Alle elements on a page are concatenated into one text field.
- one-doc-per-element: Creates one document object per returned element.
separatorStringDefault: \n\nThe separator to use between elements when concatenating them into one text field.
unstructured_kwargsDictionary of string and anyDefault: NoneAdditional parameters passed to the Unstructured API. For available parameters, see Unstructured API docs.
progress_barBooleanTrue, False
Default: True
Shows a progress bar during conversion.

REST API Runtime Parameters

There are no runtime parameters you can pass to this component when making a request to the Search REST API endpoint.