Change Management

our policies regarding changes to the API, including the addition of new features, modifications to existing endpoints, and the deprecation process.

Changes to Endpoints

Adding Fields

We may add new fields to existing endpoints at any time without prior notice. These additions are not considered breaking changes. To ensure smooth functionality, design your applications to handle unexpected fields gracefully.

Modifying or Removing Fields

If we plan to modify or remove existing fields, we will:

  • Notify you through our newsletters.
  • Support both the old and new behaviors for at least two months before fully implementing the change.

New Endpoints

New endpoints may be labeled as "beta." This means they may be unstable, and we don't recommend using them in your production scenarios until the label is removed.

Deprecation Policy

When an endpoint is scheduled for removal, we will:

  • Mark it as deprecated in the documentation.
  • Announce the deprecation through our newsletter.
  • Maintain the deprecated endpoint for two months after the announcement date.

Stay Informed

Subscribe to our newsletter for timely updates and review this documentation for the latest information.