Release 2023.8
Here are the features we added in August 2023.
Boosting Retrieval with Rankers
deepset Cloud now supports Ranker nodes to help you boost your retrieval. Rankers prioritize documents based on the criteria you specify. For example, with RecentnessRanker you can prioritize the newest documents. Or you can use one of the rich, transformer-based Ranker, such as SentenceTransformersRanker, which is sensitive to word order and syntax.
Easier Pipeline Monitoring
The August release features easily readable pipeline logs. To see them, go to the Pipelines page, click a pipeline, and select Logs. You can expand messages for details. By default, logs show events from the last two days or from the time of the last deployment of the pipeline if it happened later than two days ago.
Updated over 1 year ago