Generate text using large language models hosted on deepset's Amazon Bedrock account, so you don't need to create your own account.
Basic Information
- Pipeline type: Query
- Type:
- Components it can connect with:
- PromptBuilder: DeepsetAmazonBedrockGenerator receives the prompt from PromptBuilder.
- AnswerBuilder: DeepsetAmazonBedrockGenerator sends the generated replies to AnswerBuilder, which uses them to build GeneratedAnswer objects.
Required Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
prompt | String | The prompt with instructions for the model. |
Optional Inputs
Name | Type | Default | Description |
generation_kwargs | Dictionary of string and any | None | Additional keyword arguments you want to pass to the generator. |
Name | Type | Description |
replies | List of strings | Generated responses. |
DeepsetAmazonBedrockGenerator makes it possible to use models in Amazon Bedrock through deepset's Bedrock account. You don't need your own Bedrock account to use these models. To use models through your own Bedrock account, use AmazonBedrockGenerator.
For a full list of models, see Amazon Bedrock documentation.
DeepsetAmazonBedrockGenerator connects to deepset's Bedrock account without requiring you to pass any credentials. You can use models hosted in Bedrock right away.
Usage Example
This example uses the Llama2 model hosted on Amazon Bedrock to generate answers. It gets the prompt with documents from PromptBuilder and then sends the generated replies to AnswerBuilder:
template: |-
You are a technical expert.
You answer questions truthfully based on provided documents.
For each document check whether it is related to the question.
Only use documents that are related to the question to answer it.
Ignore documents that are not related to the question.
If the answer exists in several documents, summarize them.
Only answer based on the documents provided. Don't make things up.
If the documents can't answer the question or you are unsure say: 'The answer can't be found in the text'.
These are the documents:
{% for document in documents %}
Document[{{ loop.index }}]:
{{ document.content }}
{% endfor %}
Question: {{question}}
type: deepset_cloud_custom_nodes.generators.deepset_amazon_bedrock_generator.DeepsetAmazonBedrockGenerator
model: "meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1"
aws_region_name: us-east-1 # Region name is required
max_length: 400
model_max_length: 4096
temperature: 0
streaming_callback: deepset_cloud_custom_nodes.callbacks.streaming.streaming_callback # makes this generator stream
- sender: prompt_builder.prompt
receiver: llm.prompt
- sender: llm.replies
receiver: answer_builder.replies
Init Parameters
These are the parameters you can configure in Pipeline Builder:
Parameter | Type | Possible values | Description |
model | String | Default: None | The ID of the model to use. For model IDs, check Amazon Bedrock documentation. Required. |
aws_region_name | String | Default: None | |
max_length | Integer | Default: 100 | The maximum length of the generated text. Required. |
truncate | Boolean | True False Default: True | Truncates the generated text to the max_length .Required. |
streaming_callback | StreamingChunk | deepset_cloud_custom_nodes.callbacks.streaming.streaming_callback Default: None | Specifies if a Generator streams. Required. |
kwargs | Dictionary of strings | Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the model. Optional. |
Updated about 1 month ago