Deploy a Pipeline
After you create and save a pipeline, you must deploy it to use it for search. Deploying a pipeline triggers indexing of your files making them ready to be searched on.
Deploy a Pipeline from the UI
- In deepset AI Platform, click Pipelines.
- In the In Development section, find the desired pipeline, and click Deploy next to it.
The pipeline is moved to Deployed and the deployment starts. Once the pipeline is deployed, it will start indexing your files. When this happens, you can hover your mouse over the pipeline status to see how many files have already been indexed. Once indexing is done, the status changes to Indexed and your pipeline is ready to be used.
Deploy a Pipeline with the REST API
Here's the code you can use. For more information about this endpoint, see Deploy Pipeline API.
You need to Generate an API Key first.
Follow these step-by-step instructions:
Or copy this code:
curl --request POST \
--url<workspace_name>/pipelines/<pipeline_name>/deploy \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your_API_key>'
What To Do Next
It may happen that the deployment fails, and the pipeline status is failed to deploy. This status means the files were not indexed, and the pipeline wasn't deployed. If you encounter this error, you must take some troubleshooting action.
To view pipeline information, such as statistics or feedback, click the pipeline name. It opens the Pipeline Details page, which contains all the information you may need.
Deployed pipelines that haven't been used for a while go on standby to save resources. The time to standby depends on the pipelne service level. Production pipelines go on standby after 30 days of not being used and development pipelines after 12 hours. A pipeline on standby gets automatically activated if you run a search with it or you can trigger the activation manually on the Pipelines page. For more information, see Pipeline Service Levels.
Updated about 1 month ago