Document Stores

Document store is a database that stores the pre-processed documents resulting from your indexing pipeline. The query pipeline uses retrievers to access the document store and fetch relevant documents to resolve queries.

The Document Store Concept

A document store is a Haystack concept that refers to an object that stores your data. It's an interface to a database like OpenSearch, Weaviate, or Pinecone, for storing and retrieving your data.

Document store stores data as Document objects. Each document has a unique ID, metadata, and can optionally include vector representations (embeddings) for enhanced search capabilities.

In deepset AI Platform, a document store is a parameter of other components, such as a Retriever or DocumentWriter. To make things easier, document stores appear as component cards in Pipeline Builder.


To store your data in a document store, you must convert them into Document objects first. Documents are individual pieces of information that can include text, data frames, or binary data. When an indexing pipeline runs, files uploaded to your deepset workspace are preprocessed, cleaned, split, and converted into Document objects using PreProcessor components. One file can be split into multiple documents. Once processed, the DocumentWriter component writes them into a document store.

Query pipelines work on the documents stored in the document store, not directly on the uploaded files. A Retriever fetches the relevant documents from the document store and passes them to subsequent components in the pipeline to resolve queries or run other tasks.


An index is a data structure that helps you quickly find relevant documents without scanning every single document. Think of it as a book index that helps you find specific topics without reading the entire book. It's crucial for fast, efficient search, making it possible to handle large-scale datasets.

Writing Documents into the Document Store

You can write documents into a document store using DocumentWriter. As a best practice, include DocumentWriter as the last component in your indexing pipeline, and make sure it's connected to a document store.

OpenSearchDocumentStore connected to DocumentWriter in Pipeline Builder

Retrieving Documents

Document stores work with retrievers. Retrievers in your query pipeline access the document store to fetch the documents relevant to the query. Each document store has dedicated retrievers, usually a keyword retriever, a vector retriever, and sometimes a hybrid retriever that combines both. This is because retrievers rely on the document store technology to fetch documents.

Connect a Retriever to a matching document store to enable it to fetch documents from this document store.

Configuring a Document Store

In Pipeline Builder

Drag a document store from the Component Library connect it to DocumentWriter or a Retriever. You can configure the document store parameters on the document store card. For detailed parameter explanation, see Haystack's Integrations API documentation.

DocumentStore connected with a keyword and an embedding retriever

If multiple components in a pipeline need a document store and use the same configuration, you only need to add one document store card. You can then connect this single card to all the components that use it. But if different components require different document store configurations, add a separate document store card for each unique setup. Then, configure each card as needed and connect them to the right components:

Retrievers using different document store instances


Pass the document store configuration in the document_store parameter of DocumentWriter or a Retriever:

  bm25_retriever: # Selects the most similar documents from the document store
    type: haystack_integrations.components.retrievers.opensearch.bm25_retriever.OpenSearchBM25Retriever
      document_store: #this is the document store configuration
        type: haystack_integrations.document_stores.opensearch.document_store.OpenSearchDocumentStore
          index: default
          max_chunk_bytes: 104857600
          embedding_dim: 768
          return_embedding: false
          create_index: true
          timeout: 10
      top_k: 20 # The number of results to return
      fuzziness: 0

Supported Document Stores

Currently, you can use the following document stores in deepset AI Platform:

Core Document Stores


OpenSearch is the only core document store of deepset AI Platform. We manage its infrastructure and credentials and have access to its index and indexing information, such as the detailed status of files being indexed. deepset also manages file updates, including the metadata and deletions, and keeps the document store in sync.


These document stores run on your infrastructure, and you're responsible for managing the credentials (you provide them in the configuration). When you deploy your indexing pipeline, deepset creates the index for these document stores, but the number of indexed files will always display as 0.

For integrations, deepset AI Platform also handles metadata updates and file deletions, ensuring that changes are reflected in the document store.


Snowflake is a table database that doesn't have an index. You can query your Snowflake data using DeepsetSnowflakeRetriever, which accesses the database and fetches a table that matches the SQL query.


This table compares the document stores in deepset AI Platform:

Document storeInfrastructureIndexIndexing statusFile updates (deleting, metadata updates)
OpenSearchManaged by deepset Managed by deepset Shown in details (indexed, skipped, and failed files)Managed by deepset
ElasticsearchYour ownCreated on pipeline deploy
Deleted on pipeline undeploy
No information, always shown as 0Managed by deepset
MongoDBYour ownYou need to create a vector search index in MongoDBNo information, always shown as 0Managed by deepset
PineconeYour own (you need to host the database locally)Created on pipeline deploy
Deleted on pipeline undeploy
No information, always shown as 0Managed by deepset
QdrantYour ownCreated on pipeline deploy
Deleted on pipeline undeploy
No information, always shown as 0Managed by deepset
SnowflakeYour ownNot available (Snowflake doesn't use indexes)Not available You're responsible for managing the tables
WeaviateYour ownCreated on pipeline deploy
Deleted on pipeline undeploy
No information, always shown as 0Managed by deepset

Choosing the Right Document Store

Have a look at the Haystack Guide to help you choose the document store that will work best for your scenario.