Use Snowflake Database

Query data in your Snowflake database using deepset Cloud pipelines.

About this Task

deepset Cloud provides SnowflakeExecutor, which is a pipeline node that connects to your Snowflake database. It takes a SQL query as input and returns a database table that matches the query.

To make things easier, we created two text-to-SQL pipeline templates you can use to query your Snowflake databases using natural language questions. The templates use an LLM to convert your query into SQL and then send it to SnowflakeExecutor, which queries the Snowflake database. In addition to a database table, they also return a proper textual answer generated by an LLM.

For large databases, we created a template with an additional retrieval step that first pre-selects tables matching the query.


You need the following information about your Snowflake database:

  • Snowflake account identifier
  • Snowflake user login
  • Warehouse name
  • Schema name
  • Database name

To use our text-to-SQL templates, you need:

  • OpenAI API key (the templates use the GPT-4 model)
  • To use the template with an additional retrieval step, prepare database table descriptions:
    1. Prepare a text file with a description for each table in the database. The description can be one sentence describing the table's contents.
    2. To each description, add the following metadata: {"table": "table_name", "table_columns": "column_name - data_type"}.
      For example, for a table called COUNTRY, you would create a description file called COUNTRY.TXT with the following metadata: {"table": "COUNTRY", "table_columns": "ID - INTEGER\\nNAME - VARCHAR\\nREGION - VARCHAR"}.
    3. Upload the descriptions with their metadata to the deepset Cloud workspace where you're creating the pipeline.

Query Your Snowflake Database

  1. First, connect deepset Cloud to Snowflake through the Connections page:
  1. Click your name in the top right corner and select Connections.
    A screen shot of the deepset Cloud UI with the personal menu expanded and the Connections option underlined.
  2. Click Connect next to a model provider.
  3. Enter your user access token and submit it.
  1. Then, add SnowflakeExecutor to your query pipeline or use one of the ready-made text-to-SQL templates.

Usage Examples

Each tab contains an example of how to query your Snowflake database. The first tab is an example of using an LLM to convert a natural language query to SQL, and then using another LLM to generate a textual answer in addition to the database table that SnowflakeExecutor returns.

The second tab contains an additional retrieval step. To use this example, you must prepare descriptions of your database tables, as described in Prerequisites.

  - name: DocumentStore
    type: DeepsetCloudDocumentStore # The only supported document store in deepset Cloud
  - name: TextConverter # Converts files into documents
    type: TextConverter
  - name: sql_template
    type: PromptTemplate
      prompt: |-
        You are a SQL expert working with Snowflake.
        Your task is to create a Snowflake SQL query for the given question.
        Refrain from explaining your answer. Your answer must be the SQL query in plain text format without using Markdown.
        Here are the table schemas:
        User's question: {query}
        Generated SQL query:
  - name: PromptNodeSQLGenerator
    type: PromptNode
      default_prompt_template: sql_template
      max_length: 600 # The maximum number of tokens the generated SQL can have
        # Specifies additional model settings
        temperature: 0
      model_name_or_path: gpt-4-turbo-preview
      truncate: false
  - name: SnowflakeExecutor
    type: SnowflakeExecutor
      account: <SF-ACCOUNT>
      user: <SF-USER>
      warehouse: <SF-WAREHOUSE>
      database: <SF-DB>
      db_schema: <SF-DB-SCHEMA>
  - name: display_template
    type: PromptTemplate
        type: AnswerParser
      prompt: |-
        You are an expert data analyst.
        Your role is to answer the user's question {query} using the information in the table.
        You will base your response solely on the information provided in the table.
        Do not rely on your knowledge base; only the data that is in the table.
        Refrain from using the term "table" in your response, but instead, use the word "data"
        If the table is blank say:
        "The specific answer can't be found in the database. Try rephrasing your question."
        Additionally, you will present the table in a tabular format and provide the SQL query used to extract the relevant rows from the database in Markdown.
        If the table is larger than 10 rows, display the most important rows up to 10 rows. Your answer must be detailed and provide insights based on the question and the available data.
        SQL query:
  - name: PromptNodeDisplay
    type: PromptNode
      default_prompt_template: display_template
      max_length: 4096 # The maximum number of tokens the generated answer can have
        # Specifies additional model settings
        temperature: 0
      model_name_or_path: gpt-4-turbo-preview
      truncate: false
# Here you define how the nodes are organized in the pipelines
# For each node, specify its input
  - name: query
      - name: PromptNodeSQLGenerator
        inputs: [Query]
      - name: SnowflakeExecutor
        inputs: [PromptNodeSQLGenerator]
      - name: PromptNodeDisplay
        inputs: [SnowflakeExecutor]

  # Note: The indexing pipeline below is not actually used as we are not using any supporting files for the SQL generation
  # But it has to be defined for dC
  - name: indexing
      - name: TextConverter
        inputs: [File]
      - name: DocumentStore
        inputs: [TextConverter]
  - name: DocumentStore
    type: DeepsetCloudDocumentStore # The only supported document store in deepset Cloud
      embedding_dim: 1024
      similarity: cosine
      search_fields: ["table", "table_columns"]
  - name: BM25Retriever # The keyword-based retriever
    type: BM25Retriever
      document_store: DocumentStore
      top_k: 20 # The number of results to return
  - name: EmbeddingRetriever # Selects the most relevant documents from the document store
    type: EmbeddingRetriever # Uses a Transformer model to encode the document and the query
      document_store: DocumentStore
      embedding_model: intfloat/e5-large-v2 # Model optimized for semantic search. It has been trained on 215M (question, answer) pairs from diverse sources.
      model_format: sentence_transformers
      embed_meta_fields: ["table"]
      top_k: 20 # The number of results to return
  - name: JoinResults # Joins the results from both retrievers
    type: JoinDocuments
      join_mode: concatenate # Combines documents from multiple retrievers
  - name: Reranker # Uses a cross-encoder model to rerank the documents returned by the two retrievers
    type: SentenceTransformersRanker
      model_name_or_path: intfloat/simlm-msmarco-reranker # Fast model optimized for reranking
      top_k: 30 # The number of results to return
      batch_size: 40 # Try to keep this number equal to or greater than the sum of the top_k of the two retrievers so all docs are processed at once
        # Additional keyword arguments for the model
        torch_dtype: torch.float16
  - name: TextConverter # Converts files into documents
    type: TextConverter
  - name: sql_template
    type: PromptTemplate
      prompt: |-
        You are a SQL expert working with Snowflake.
        Your task is to create a Snowflake SQL query for the given question.
        Refrain from explaining your answer. Your answer must be the SQL query in plain text format without using Markdown.
        Here are some relevant tables, a description about it, and their columns:
        {join(documents, delimiter=new_line, pattern=new_line+'Table Name: $table'+new_line+'Table Description: $content'+new_line+'Table Columns:'+new_line+'$table_columns')}
        User's question: {query}
        Generated SQL query:
  - name: PromptNodeSQLGenerator
    type: PromptNode
      default_prompt_template: sql_template
      max_length: 600 # The maximum number of tokens the generated SQL can have
        # Specifies additional model settings
        temperature: 0
      model_name_or_path: gpt-4-turbo-preview
      truncate: false
  - name: SnowflakeExecutor
    type: SnowflakeExecutor
      account: <SF-ACCOUNT>
      user: <SF-USER>
      warehouse: <SF-WAREHOUSE>
      database: <SF-DB>
      db_schema: <SF-DB-SCHEMA>
  - name: display_template
    type: PromptTemplate
        type: AnswerParser
      prompt: |-
        You are an expert data analyst.
        Your role is to answer the user's question {query} using the information in the table.
        You will base your response solely on the information provided in the table.
        Do not rely on your knowledge base; only the data that is in the table.
        Refrain from using the term "table" in your response, but instead, use the word "data"
        If the table is blank say:
        "The specific answer can't be found in the database. Try rephrasing your question."
        Additionally, you will present the table in a tabular format and provide the SQL query used to extract the relevant rows from the database in Markdown.
        If the table is larger than 10 rows, display the most important rows up to 10 rows. Your answer must be detailed and provide insights based on the question and the available data.
        SQL query:
  - name: PromptNodeDisplay
    type: PromptNode
      default_prompt_template: display_template
      max_length: 4096 # The maximum number of tokens the generated answer can have
        # Specifies additional model settings
        temperature: 0
      model_name_or_path: gpt-4-turbo-preview
      truncate: false
# Here you define how the nodes are organized in the pipelines
# For each node, specify its input
  - name: query
      - name: BM25Retriever
        inputs: [Query]
      - name: EmbeddingRetriever
        inputs: [Query]
      - name: JoinResults
        inputs: [BM25Retriever, EmbeddingRetriever]
      - name: Reranker
        inputs: [JoinResults]
      - name: PromptNodeSQLGenerator
        inputs: [Reranker]
      - name: SnowflakeExecutor
        inputs: [PromptNodeSQLGenerator]
      - name: PromptNodeDisplay
        inputs: [SnowflakeExecutor]

  - name: indexing
      - name: TextConverter
        inputs: [File]
      - name: EmbeddingRetriever
        inputs: [TextConverter]
      - name: DocumentStore
        inputs: [ EmbeddingRetriever ]

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