
Use Query as the first component in your query pipelines.

Basic Information

  • Pipeline type: Query
  • Type: Not applicable
  • Components it can connect with:
    • Query is the first component in a query pipeline.
    • TextEmbedders: TextEmbedders receive Query and turn it into an embedding that's then sent to an embedding Retriever.
    • Rankers: Rankers receive the query and use it to rank documents by their relevance to the query.


This component acts as a placeholder for user query. It doesn't require you to provide any inputs to it.


textStringThe user query.


Query represents user query the pipeline aims to resolve. It must always be the first component in a query pipeline.

Usage Example

In Builder, drag Query onto the canvas and connect it to the components that require it as input. In this example, Query is connected to a PromptBuilder.

The query component in pipeline builder connected to a prompt builder

In YAML, you list query amont the pipeline's inputs and specify the components' inputs that should receive it:

  - "chat_summary_prompt_builder.question" # List the components and their output names that should receive query

Init Parameters

This component doesn't take any initialization parameters.