
Embed strings of text using embedding models by NVIDIA NIM on optimized hardware.

Basic Information

  • Pipeline type: Query
  • Type: deepset_cloud_custom_nodes.embedders.nvidia.text_embedder.DeepsetNvidiaTextEmbedder
  • Components it most often connects with:
    • Query: DeepsetNvidiaDocumentEmbedder receives the query to embed from Query.
    • Embedding Retrievers: DeepsetNvidiaDocumentEmbedder can send the embedded query to an Embedding Retriever that uses it to find matching documents.


textStringThe text to embed.


embeddingList of floatsThe embedding of the text.
metaDictionaryMetadata regarding the usage statistics.


NvidiaDocumentEmbedder uses an NVIDIA NIM model to embed a text string, such as a query.

This component runs on models provided by deepset on hardware optimized for performance. Unlike models hosted on platforms like Hugging Face, these models are not downloaded at query time. Instead, you choose a model upfront on the component card.

The optimized models are only available on deepset AI Platform. To run this component on your own hardware, use a sentence transformers embedder instead.


Embedding Models in Query and Indexing Pipelines

The embedding model you use to embed documents in your indexing pipeline must be the same as the embedding model you use to embed the query in your query pipeline.

This means the embedders for your indexing and query pipelines must match. For example, if you use CohereDocumentEmbedder to embed your documents, you should use CohereTextEmbedder with the same model to embed your queries.

Usage Example

This is an example of a DeepsetNvidiaNIMTextEmbedder used in a query pipeline. It receives the text to embed from Query and then sends the embedded query to OpenSearchEmbeddingRetriever:

DeepsetNvidiaTextEmbedder connected to Query and OpenSearchEmbeddingRetriever in Builder

Here's the YAML configuration:

    type: deepset_cloud_custom_nodes.embedders.nvidia.nim_text_embedder.DeepsetNvidiaNIMTextEmbedder
      model: nvidia/nv-embedqa-e5-v5
      prefix: ''
      suffix: ''
      normalize_embeddings: true
  - sender: DeepsetNvidiaNIMTextEmbedder.embedding
    receiver: OpenSearchEmbeddingRetriever.query_embedding
max_runs_per_component: 100

    - DeepsetNvidiaNIMTextEmbedder.text


Init Parameters

These are the parameters you can configure in Pipeline Builder:

ParameterTypePossible valuesDescription
modelDeepsetNVIDIAEmbeddingModelsDefault: NVIDIA_NV_EMBEDQA_E5_V5The model to use for calculating embeddings. Choose the model from the list in Builder. Required.
prefixStringDefault: ""A string to add at the beginning of the string being embedded. Required.
suffixStringDefault: ""A string to add at the end of the string being embedded. Required.
truncateEmbeddingTruncateModeSTART, END, NONE
Default: None
Specifies how to truncate inputs longer than the maximum token length. Possible options are: START, END, NONE.
If set to START, the input is truncated from the start.
If set to END, the input is truncated from the end.
If set to NONE, returns an error if the input is too long. Optional.
Default: True
Whether to normalize the embeddings by dividing the embedding by its L2 norm. Required.
timeoutFloatDefault: NoneTimeout for request calls in seconds. Optional.
backend_kwargsDictionary Default: NoneKeyword arguments to further customize model behavior. Optional.

Run Method Parameters

These are the parameters you can configure for the component's run() method. This means you can pass these parameters at query time through the API, in Playground, or when running a job. For details, see Modify Pipeline Parameters at Query Time.

textStringThe text to embed.