Using the Python SDK

Use your local environment to interact with deepset Cloud. You can also use Jupyter Notebooks from deepset Cloud.

SDK in deepset Cloud

You can use Python methods to work with pipelines, manage your data, and run experiments in deepset Cloud from your local environment.

The open source SDK package is available on GitHub, and provides methods for uploading and listing files. It offers a command-line interface (CLI) that's fast and easy to use, and Python methods. It's best suited for efficiently uploading large numbers of files with metadata. We're actively maintaining this SDK, and it will be enhanced with new methods in the near future.

Using the Open Source SDK Package

Before using the SDK, perform these steps:

  1. Install the SDK:
    pip install deepset-cloud-sdk
  2. Log in to the SDK:
    This creates the .ENV file, which contains the API key for accessing deepset Cloud and sets the default workspace for all operations to the workspace you specify.
    deepset-cloud login
    python3 -m deepset_cloud_sdk.cli login
  3. Use the SDK CLI or Python methods to interact with deepset Cloud. For the full documentation, see deepset Cloud SDK.

SDK Documentation

Main documentation with method reference and examples:
